Wednesday, May 16, 2012


This is what I created during my Art I class period. After being in the computer lab for the past 2 days working a little bit with PhotoShop, Mr.Sands told us to create a "and-guess-what-happens-next" image using the tools we learned in class. The hardest part of this project was actually thinking about what I wanted my image to be. It took me a while to decide on this one. I try to incorporate my love for babies into my artwork whenever possible so I thought now would be a great time to. This is Gerald (the baby) and his father (Mitch) taking a nice stroll through the neighborhood; however, what they don't know is that a giant tornado is just seconds away. WATCH OUT BABY GERALD!

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

frog tongue

For the past couple of days my Art I class has been in the computer lab working a little with PhotoShop. I have never, ever used photoshop before so I thought this was really fun and a nice thing to learn how to do. I also think it will come in handy for when I want to learn to edit more photographs. For this particular image, I thought it came out pretty good. I think if the frog was a little bit bigger on the tongue it would look more realistic but overall definitely not awful. Hopefully I can use photoshop more, and not just in Art I class. Got frog tongues?

Thursday, May 10, 2012


I freaking loved this project. At the moment, mine is still waiting to be glazed, but I can't wait to see the final product. There will definitely be pics up, don't you worry. I like working with my hands and I think that's why this has been one of my favorites. I was a little unsure about how to design my bowl because I really wanted it to look different than anyone else's. So i decided to use a hugeeee strip of clay and cut out a zig-zag design from it to put around my bowl. I thought it gave it a sort of "tribal" look to it so I decided to continue with that. I put in various patterns consisting of lines and dots and even added little rolled up balls of clay.On the inside of my bowl I used a radial design alternating between the regular clay color and the red clay. I'm excited to see the finished, shiny bowl. keep ya updated dawg.


Working with the pastels was really fun, I just wish I was good at using them haha. I didn't really like this project because it's hard for me to look at a still scenery and then try to draw it using the right colors to show the highlights and lowlights. Some of the other pastel pictures came out really pretty, so totes for them. Overall, i was not a fan. Sowwy.

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Glow Sticking is a Habit, Get Like Me

I had seen quite a bit of glow stick art but I always wondered how it worked. This was another project that was probably one of my favorites. It made it even better that we did it right before Spring break so every one was excited and glad we didn't have anything too stressful to do. The top picture is SB2K12, which is Spring Break 2012 for any of ya'll who didn't follow. Bri, Lauren, and I each wrote 2 characters in different colors so it came out pretty nice. The next picture is a muffin that I made for Love Muffin. You wouldn't understand. Then the last picture is when Bri took a glow stick and just moved it back and forth for 10 seconds to illuminate the outline of me. It's pretty trippy. Overall, successful project.

perspective photographs

 This project was definitely one of my favorites! I went out with Bri and took turns taking pictures of each other doing different things to make it look like we were either much larger or smaller than life. The top photo looks like Bri is about to kill me with her huge foot, but I'm actually much further away than her. The tricky part finding the perfect place to stand/lay/squat so that you looked like you were on top/behind/under something. The photo to the right is one of my favorites just because it looks to realistic! I'm standing a few feet behind the pole but I look like I'm a little person on top of a pole hahah.

Bri had this idea for me to go lay across a wooden banister so that it would look like I was on top of a ginormous truck. It turned out pretty cool.
Of course Bri and I had to take some selfies. Just be glad we didn't put all 76 of them up here for you to look at. You're welcome(:

A Monster Named Googie

When Mr.Sands told us we were getting to make mini monsters out of clay I was really excited. I like making unrealistic things, and seem to be a little better at them too. The monster I was assigned to recreate was Googie. This is Googie.

In this next picture you can see the steps I took to recreate him. The photograph is the picture I received when I chose to make Googie. It is the original that the Kindergartner had made. After that I made my own drawing of Googie with a few different colors and more of the way I saw him but definitely still how my Kindergarten kid created him. After all, it is still his(:

The type of clay I used to make Googie was Sculpey. Everyone was told to use this clay before we started the project but after messing with it for like half an hour and not getting anywhere with it, every one else went to the regular clay. My Sculpey was working for me and I really liked the colors so I decided to stick with it. The arms and leg-type-things were a struggle to figure out how I was going to make. I then thought using wire would make them look much more like they were intended to and plus look good too. This is the final product. I really enjoyed this project and working with clay and I really hope that the student who first drew the picture of Googie enjoys it!